Skate Shoes - Fallen

Skate Shoes - Fallen
By Geoff Wheeler

Fallen Footwear was started by pro skater, Jamie Thomas,A.K.A., "The Chief," in 2004. Fallen was, at first, to be a partnership between Thomas and DC Shoes. But when DC was acquired by Quick Silver, in late 2004, Thomas decided to move the project to his company, Black Box Distribution.

Originally ,Fallen was to be called,"Armee," but due to hassles with the U.S. Army.that name was dropped and Fallen was born. The company's slogan is, "Rise with the Fallen" or RxWxTxF, in attempts to make the image less negative. Fallen makes some really excellent, top of the line skate shoes, and as Jamie Thomas puts it, "The brand is a symbol of the quality and tradition that all my footwear products have always stood for. Fallen footwear is designed purely for skateboarding."

Fallen Shoes are only found in select stores and Skate shops. Killer style blended with excellent function makes these shoes a constant top choice for skaters around the world. They make great skate shoes for serious skateboarding.

Jamie Thomas has been skateboarding since the age of 11 and got his start in the industry after moving to Southern California and filming for Laban Pheidas company "Invisible" back in the day. Fallen footwear's 1st full-length skate video, is "Ride the Sky," and is due out in the Spring of 2008. Be sure to check it out and enjoy the Fallen skate team rip it up. Next time you're out looking for new footwear be sure to check out Fallen.

Geoff Wheeler has been involved in skateboarding for the past 20 years and enjoys writing about skate shoes including adio shoes and DC shoes

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