Skateboarding Tips - How to Nollie

Skateboarding Tips - How to Nollie
By Geoff Wheeler

Another one of my favorite skateboarding tricks, the nollie can give you a nice variation base for a lot of other tricks. You can switch up most street tricks by doing them "Nollie" first. Kick flips, heel flips and even varial tricks like a 360 flip can be done with a Nollie twist.

What's a Nollie? Well its just like a ollie but the nose of your board instead of the tail. Myself, I've always found this to be the easiest skateboarding trick....even more then the simple ollie! have no fear. With a little practice and these few simple tips to follow you will master this trick in no time at all.

So if you want to start pulling off 360 nollie flips down a set of seven stairs, this would be a good place to start.

Pop And Slide So, with this trick it's really easy to get a great "pop" off your nose for awesome height and style when doing a nollie. Begin with your back foot almost 1/2 the way up your board. Have your front foot pointed at an angle and right on the front of the nose.

Lift Off! Now that you have your feet in the right position use the ball of your front foot to pop the nose off the ground. Try to completely lift your front foot off the nose of the board. So in essence you should look and feel like you're doing a one foot ollie. If we were to pause this in mid air your front foot would be totally off the board and kicking forward in the air.

Now Lean Back... All thats left to do is to slide the back foot up to the tail or end of your board and lean back...alot!...this is one of the few tricks where you wont easily mess up by leaning back. In fact it will really help.

So to wrap the Nollie...get some speed, place your feet correctly, pop the nose and lift/kick your front foot off into the air, lean back and slide your foot, land and roll away clean.

Best of luck learning this awesome skate trick.

Happy Skateboarding.

Geoff Wheeler has been involved in skateboarding for the past 20 years and writes about skate shoes including Ipath skate shoes
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Skateboarding - How to Heel Flip

Skateboarding - How to Heel Flip
By Geoff Wheeler

OK, so you have ollies and kick flips down solid it's now time to progress on to something a bit more challenging. The Heel flip. Here's how you do one: Pop your tail, kick your foot out, catch it and ride away...yeah right. Unfortunately this is how most Heel flip tips out there go. Not here. Here I'm going to break it down and give you in depth tips on how to pull this trick off correctly and with style. Ready? we go.

Moment of Zen before you try any new skateboarding trick I have always found its a great idea to visualize it clearly in your mind how the trick will look. Do this before you do the heel flip and even during it. Maybe imagine a heel flip from one of your favorite skate videos or one of your favorite pros pulling it off. This visualization really really works. So much like a kick flip uses the toe and kicks off at a slightly less then 180 degree angle, the heel flip is the same but you use your heel and you are kicking in the opposite direction. Do not kick straight out to the side and do not kick right out in front...make it in between the two. Get rolling with a little speed and give your board a good pop. When kicking your front foot out make sure to twist your foot and ankle to the side a bit...similar to how you slide your foot up the board somewhat sideways for an ollie the same is done for a heel flip. Only you kick out at an angle and completely off the board.

Airwalk it! Most people are paying so much attention to what their front foot is doing during this tricks they pretty much don't think about the back. Well here's another tried and true secret I've found when doing these. Kick your back foot out the opposite direction to the front foot. So essentially you are doing almost a scissor kick in the air or an "airwalk" visualize your legs doing this as you begin to kick. Don't just jump straight up and kick...that wont do it. You need to kick your back leg somewhat in the opposite direction.You don't have to over do it or kick out big time like with the front foot...just a little movement with the back foot will do it.This method has always worked for me and keeps my heel flips looking big, clean and stylish.

Ride away clean Catch your board in the air and land solid. OK the ending sounds too simple but, if you follow the above tips it is that simple.

In conclusion be sure to think about how awesome the trick will look in your mind and really see yourself pulling it off. Slide your front foot off the board at an angle while popping off the ground and kick your back foot in the opposite direction slightly.

I hope this helps you and happy skating!

Geoff Wheeler has been involved in skateboarding for the past 20 years and writes about skate shoes including Ipath skate shoes and Globe shoes.

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Choosing the Right Skateboard Retailer

Choosing the Right Skateboard Retailer
By John Pauls

There are plenty of retailers out there where you can buy a skateboard, but not all of them are right for you. There are some basic things you should be looking for when you shop around in one. If they can't offer these essential basics then you should do your shopping for a skateboard somewhere else. You don't want to settle for less than you deserve when it comes to the money you will invest in one.

Find out how long a particular skateboard retailer has been in business. If they have some longevity behind them it is reasonable to expect they are doing a great job of keeping their customers happy. This isn't to say you shouldn't give new skateboard retailers a try though. Just make sure they are able to prove their worthiness to you before you make a purchase.

How knowledgeable are their employees? You want to be sure your questions are going to be answered. If they don't seem to know very much about skateboarding or the products they sell it can be hard for you to get accurate information. Of course you can't expect them to know everything, but they should be able to offer you information on the basics. The store should also have a good selection of different types of skateboards for you to choose from.

If you feel pressured to make a purchase you should walk away. Many employees are working on a commission so they are going to press you into making a purchase right away. If you don't feel that they are giving you room to think about it exercise your right to leave. Of course if they are being helpful get their business card so you can buy it from them later on should you decide that is where you will be making such a purchase.

Find out if the skateboard retailer is willing to go that extra mile for you. Will they custom order a certain type of skateboard for you? Do they offer replacement parts so you can easily fix up your skateboard if something needs to be repaired on it? This can prove to be very convenient as well as more affordable than buying a new one. Look for a retailer that also offers you discounts and special promotions in order to keep you as a customer.

You should feel extremely comfortable when you enter any skateboard retail store. Since you will need to examine equipment and even test it out before buying, they should give you the freedom to do so. If you feel that they are keeping too tight of a reign in such areas then it can hinder your ability to buy a good quality skateboard that you are going to be truly happy with. You may want to discuss with the owner too so that they are able to help find a good solution.

Take the time to compare their prices to those of other retailers as well as online sites. They may offer you exceptional service, but why pay more money for the same skateboard that is offered for less by someone else? It is the efficient consumer that takes the time to compare such aspects before they make the purchase.

Even if you do take the time to carefully choose a skateboard, you may decide it isn't right for you later on. Make sure you are happy with their return policy as well. Some of them won't take a skateboard as a return. Others will only allow you to do so for store credit within a very short span of time. Be well aware of these policies before you make your purchase.

As skateboarding become more and more popular, the accessories of this sport are also become important. And skateboard plays the most important role. It's not only the tool of the sport, but also a way to show your unique personal style. is an online skateboard shop that provides many brands of complete skateboards and accessories such as skateboard decks, wheels, trucks etc. Skateboards are an absolutely good choice for Christmas gift for your boys even girls who are big fans of skateboarding.

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