Danny Way

Danny Way
By Geoff Wheeler

Skateboarding protegee and pioneer Danny Way began ripping it up at Del Mar skatepark at the age of 6 and has never slowed down.
He has always been in the forefront of the skateboarding scene and holds many world records and was even given the prestigious title of "Skater of the Year" by thrasher magazine.

At age 11 Danny won his 1st competition and was picked up by Vision skateboards as a result. Three years later he joined the "Bones Brigade" and skated for Powell perlta...which he left a few months later to join up with H-Street. After leaving H street Danny teamed up with their co founder,Mike Ternasky,and formed Plan B which was eventually dissolved after the tragic death of Ternasky.

In 1997 Danny Way broke the record for the highest air ever. During this year he pulled off some other mind blowing firsts such as a 12 foot kick flip and a bomb drop into a vert ramp from a helicopter!

Of course all these insane new records and tricks have come with their fair share of pain. Over the past ten years Danny Way has suffered numerous injuries including a broken neck five knee surgeries and two shoulder injuries to name a few.

Dannys major sponsor is now DC Shoes. In 1997 DC built the 1st mega ramp and this massive ramp concept has helped Danny and other skate legends to pull airs to new mind blowing heights. In 2003 when DC Shoes built a second version of their mega ramp Danny Way broke two world records at once!
The longest distance jumped,which was an insane 75 feet and the highest air out of a ramp at 23.5 feet!

In July of 2009 Danny pulled off one of the greatest feats in skateboarding by becoming the first person to jump the great wall of china launching him into the record book yet again

Recently Danny has appeared on the third season of the wildly popular reality TV show "Rob and Big"

Danny is the only person to receive Thrashers "Skater of the year award " Twice! and is truly a living legend in the world of skateboarding

Geoff Wheeler has been involved in skateboarding for the past 20 years and enjoys writing about skate shoes including adio shoes, and DC shoes
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Geoff_Wheeler

The Potential of Buying Blank Skateboards in Bulk

The Potential of Buying Blank Skateboards in Bulk
By Jeffrey De Lara


Talking about the purchase or sale of blank skateboards in bulk is a little bit like trying to sell a particular idea to a person that disagrees. While the person might be attentive to what you have to say, chances are they are wondering when to leave the room. This is not due to a lack of interest, but rather has a lot more to do with the person just not being able to relate to what you say. This is natural in the case of blank skateboards in bulk because people don't really understand what that particular thing can do for them. Believe it or not, however there are many uses for blank skateboards in bulk for many different people. Three such groups of people are discussed below.

Business Owners

The most obvious group of people that can benefit from blank skateboards in bulk is business owners. These owners can either go into business selling these bulk products themselves or they can obtain the bulk orders from others and mark up the price in order to make a profit when they sell them to different clients. Many people are interested in purchasing blank skateboards nowadays and even if they are not you can always tailor a business around designing skateboards for different people. With the general popularity of a skateboard always likely to be high, this is a pretty good business to be involved in over the long term.


One of the main problems with being an artist today has to do with cash flow. Artistic supplies can be very expensive, especially when you don't have any kind of income to speak of. However, if you start practicing your craft on blank skateboards in bulk, not only are you going to save huge amounts of money on easels and other canvas pieces that you would have to purchase otherwise, but you are also going to save a lot of money on the paints that you purchase. Add this to the fact that you might even be able to make some money from designing logos on skateboards and it becomes quite easy to see why blank skateboards in bulk might be of interest to an artist.


Are you a skateboarder that just loves to go for the big ride no matter what the cost? If that is the case, then you probably have experienced failure a few times along the road. It comes with the territory, but unfortunately failure also usually has a damaged skateboard attached to it. Instead of spending ridiculous amounts of money every time you want to purchase a new skateboard, why not take a look at a purchase of blank skateboards in bulk so that every time you lose a skateboard or have one damaged, a new one is waiting in the wings for you to use right away? It is a great investment over the long term and can end up saving you a lot of money that can be put to better use elsewhere.

Skateboards in Bulk is a site that lists all the best deals from different skateboards merchant so you can start your own business.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeffrey_De_Lara

Skateboarding Trick Tips to Make You a Skate Park Star

Skateboarding Trick Tips to Make You a Skate Park Star
By Mark A. Kaye

Learning skateboarding tricks is just like learning any other skill. You have to set a solid foundation. If you learn something "half-way" take a "short-cut," or worst of all, learn something "the wrong way," then it will take you ten times as long to repair the damage and master the trick. That is the danger with skateboarding trick tips. Many beginners get misinformation from the get-go and it costs them valuable time in the end.

Here are some things you should NEVER do:

1) Never get skateboarding trick tips from your friends. Unless they are qualified pros with years of instruction under their belts they will probably teach you the wrong way. In any aspect of life you should always seek out a mentor who is older, more skilled, and a proven teacher who can start you off with a good foundation.

2) Never get skateboarding trick tips from other skaters at the skate park. Same rules apply as above. You don't know where these guys are learning tricks from. Also, they may not have your best interests at heart.

3) Never get skateboarding trick tips from the Internet. The same unqualified people at the skate park are the ones putting this information on the Internet.

Here are some things you should ALWAYS do:

1) Set a good foundation. Get skateboarding trick tips from a reputable teacher or source. If you get information off the Internet make sure it is from a quality instructor that has testimonials and references. If you get bad skateboarding trick tips to begin with you will have to "unlearn" horrible habits which is much tougher than learning them correctly the first time.

2) Practice. You've heard that practice makes perfect. Well that's probably the truest statement you will ever hear. You will never excel at something the first time you do it. Excellence takes time, and effort. Get good skateboarding trick tips and then practice them over and over and over. Then, practice them some more.

3) Become obsessed. You know how Tony Hawk and Kevin Staab became great skaters? They became obsessed with skateboarding. In fact, anyone who excels at anything does so because of an obsession. Skateboarding trick tips are just part of it. Get good solid skateboarding trick tips. Practice incessantly, and be obsessed.

These three simple steps work well for any aspect of life, not just skateboarding. Once you set a good solid foundation all you need to do is practice obsessively. If you do, it will be impossible to fail!

Mark Kaye is a Radio and TV Host from Jacksonville, FL. For additional skateboarding trick tips visit SkateboardingBadAss.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_A._Kaye

Caster Boards Make For Great Exercise

Caster Boards Make For Great Exercise
By Jay Brandley

Caster boards are the newest type of skateboard mutation to hit the streets as well as the skating scene. Caster boards combine the motions and design of skateboarding, surfing, and snowboarding to create the ultimate skating experience on concrete and pavement.

The task of learning to ride a caster board may seem very daunting, but with practice and time, you will get the hang of it eventually. Now, why would you even want to risk the danger of learning to ride a caster board in the first place? Well, despite what you may be thinking and what you may be feeling, there a handful of reasons why learning to ride a caster board can be beneficial.

Ride For the Exercise

Get off your buttocks and out of the house to enjoy the fresh air. Learning to ride a caster board can be a great excuse or reason to go outside and get a little fresh air. Also, you will also be getting some exercise and workout time if you stay out and ride long enough. Riding caster boards are a great way to get some physical exercise and have a little fun at the same time.

Improve Your Balance and Coordination

Learning to ride a bike when you were young, but once you got the hang of it you never forgot how to do it, right? Well, the same concept can be applied to riding a caster board. Once you have got the hang of how it works, you will most likely always remember.

Also, caster boards require a balance and coordination technique of its own. Although riding skateboards, surfing, and snowboarding have very similar concepts, it is still a different technique. You can improve your balance and coordination by riding caster boards.

Practice During The Off-Season

Do you surf? Well, if there are no good swells to hold you down for the day and you are just itching to get a riding rush, scratch that itch with a caster board. You can surf the streets and attempt to bomb some small hills to get a great riding rush. Of course, we know that it is not the same but caster boards give off a rush of its own.

Children Love Caster Boards

If you have children, they mostly likely have asked you for a Ripstik or some other caster board of the sort. If you are looking for activities to do with your children, why not learn how to ride a caster board with them. You will be one of the coolest parents in the neighborhood. That is, you will be super cool if, and only if, you do not suck.

So, are you ready to get started with learning to ride a caster board? Have fun, get some exercise, improve your balance and coordination, surf streets when there are no swells to hold you down, and play with your kids.

Check out great Caster boards at Jays site Street Surf Boards dot com. Find great equipment and information on the best caster boards such as the Ripstik caster board or the Waveboard.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Brandley

Get Your Kids to Exercise With Skateboarding

Get Your Kids to Exercise With Skateboarding
By Jay Brandley

These days, many children are confined to the home on their own will. With sedentary activities such as watching television and playing arcade and video games becoming ever more popular, sometimes children would rather stay at home and do these non-physical activities than be outside running around and getting some physical exertion.

This is not all their fault. Sometimes it is not convenient for children to go outside and play if there is no one responsible enough around to attend to their supervision. Many parents would love to do this but cannot afford to due to financial responsibilities. In addition, it may not be safe for children to play outside depending on the area where you live.

Well, if you are stumped when it comes to thinking of activities that your child could do to get some physical exertion, we are here to help you out with that by giving a short and simple idea.


Skateboarding is a great way for children to get some physical exercise. Skateboarding is a popular sport these days, and most children will have some fun with it.

Skateboarding takes a lot of balance and technique. If you want to improve the coordination of your child, and perhaps even train him or her for the likes of other sports such as surfing or snowboarding, skateboarding is a great way to start it off.

Here are some ideas that will help you to incorporate skating in the schedule of your child.

Skateboard to School

If your child walks to school, why not let him or her skateboard to school instead? It is understandable that most schools do not allow the use of skateboards on school property, but if you can arrange for your child to put his or her skateboard in a safe and secure place during school hours and encourage him or her to abide be the rules and regulation of the school concerning skateboards, perhaps this could work out.

A Family Day At the Skate Park

Your children get a break from school on the weekend, and a lot of parents get off of work on the weekend also. This makes it convenient to have a family day where you can plan activities where you all can have fun and spend time together as a family. You could consider going to a skate park once a month or however often as you wish as a family outing activity. Even if you are not interested in skateboarding, it is without question that you are interested in your child. Watch your child have fun learning to skateboard and do all kinds of neat tricks on it. They will thank you for it later and learn from your example for when they start a family of their own one day.

So, here are just a couple of ideas that could get you started with incorporating skateboarding in you and your childs schedule. Also, remember to have fun and let your kids have some fun also.

For great skateboarding equipment, check out Jays site entitled Skateboard Trends dot com. Find the name brand discount skateboards and the hottest accessories here. Brands include Element skateboards, Baker skateboards, and many more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Brandley

Ways to Ensure Safety While Riding a Caster Board

Ways to Ensure Safety While Riding a Caster Board
By Jay Brandley

Caster boards are very fun boards to ride. You can surf the streets with them. It is not uncommon to see a bunch of kids riding caster boards in the neighborhood or on the side of the streets in town.

While riding caster boards can be a very fun sport or recreational activity, it can also be rather dangerous activity if no measures are taken to ensure safety. Many children get hurt from riding caster boards. However, getting hurt a little is part of the learning process when you are a kid. Do not get us wrong, we are in no way saying that caster boards are too dangerous for children to ride. We would just like to offer a few tips to ensure that your children will be as protected as possible.

Protective Gear

Protective gear serves one purpose. To protect the wearer from cuts, scrapes, or other related injuries. The use of helmets, elbow pads, knee pads, and shoes and long pants should prevent nasty scrapes and gashes. It is almost inevitable that you will fall at least once or twice when you are trying to learn to ride a caster board. However, just because you are bound to fall does not mean that you are bound to get an open wound and bleed a little bit. Protective gear will protect against those types of injuries and decrease the need for band-aids.

Ride Caster Boards Only In the Proper Places

If you do not allow your kids to run around and play in the streets, it makes sense to also not let them ride their caster boards in the streets. Riding caster boards in the proper places will also do much to ensure maximum safety for your child while he or she is riding a caster board.

So, you must be wondering, where else could I let my child ride their caster board? Well, if you have a skating park near your home, this would be a great place for your child to ride a caster board. If you have a large driveway or areas in your yard this is paved with concrete, these places would make great surfaces to ride caster boards on also. Other places you could take your children to ride their caster boards include empty parking lots and the like.

So, here are just a few suggestions and tips that you could use to ensure that your child is as safe as possible while his or her caster boards. No doubt, you want your children to have and be protected at the same time.

Jays site, Street Surf Boards dot com, features a great selection of great caster boards You can find great brands of caster boards such as the Exboard, and the popular Razor Ripstik

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jay_Brandley

Skateboarding Articles from EzineArticles.com